Welcome to threetwoone.org!


We are just getting started. This website is devoted to the display of
information with diagrams. We invite visitors to look around and take
a peek at what we've been doing.



The diagrams you see here are the work of Mark Poyser, who started out in
2000 creating cartoons about the hi-jinks in the stock market. This was a time
when the bubble was breaking, and so there were lots of crazy things going
on. The cartoons could be seen at the website
WallStreetFollies.com, and
were also included in CNN-Money's morning e-mailer, The Eye Opener, for
four years (2000 to 2003) until the Eye Opener was re-formatted. In addition
to being seen in on the website, or CNN-Money's e-mailer, selected cartoons
were used or mentioned favorably in a number of publications:

Canada's Financial Post (accompanying their main editorial of 9 July 2002)
Salon's Scott Rosenberg's Links
The Houston Chronicle
and was listed as one of USAToday's Hot Sites for September 2002

One of the popular items developed at WallStreetFollies.com was a diagram
of various relationships between major players in the stock market, and various
companies - some of which were accused of poor accounting - or worse.

That diagram of the stock market (for the year 2002) was our first step in
developing a series of representations of data in a - hopefully - useful and
stimulating form. We are currently exploring a number of areas - from geography
to religion to politics - with our diagrams. Take a look aound. You might
find something you like.

Technical issues:

The diagrams (so far) have been created using presentation software. Most
are familiar with Microsoft's Powerpoint, and we use a similar application,
Sun's StarOffice StarImpress. When the diagram is finished, we capture
the screen and convert it to a .gif image and that's what you see on this site.


Mark Poyser is available for custom diagramming. For further information,
contact him at the e-mail address below.

Contact: webmaster@threetwoone.org